Watch "Mayabini Raatir Bukut" from the Assamese movie "Daag",which was directed by Munin Baruah. A very beautiful song of Zueen. On this movie, Zubeen Garg was the music director and lead playback singer.
This video "Tumi Suwa Jetiya" is from Zubeen's music video album 'Mukha'. On this Assamese music video Zubeen Garg tries to add some new tastes to some of his popular songs. A great music video where Zubeen really looks great. Enjoy.
Take a look at the video from an Assamese music video. It features the song "Chip Chip Borokhunot", which was sung by our favorite singer - Zubeen Garg. A nice love song. Enjoy it!
Watch the video. This video was from the hindi movie "Pyar Ke Side Effect". It features "Jaane Kya Janeman", a popular hindi song, that was sung Zubeen Garg. Really a heart touching love song.
This video was found on YouTube. It is the new song 'Jia Re Jia Re' from the Zubeen's Zindagi album. A nice song for all the fans of Zubeen Garg. Zubeen looks great on this video. Enjoy the video!